Shohei Ohtani Addresses Gambling Allegations Involving His Interpreter

Shohei Ohtani Addresses Gambling Allegations Involving His Interpreter

In a recent unfolding of events that has captivated the sports world, Shohei Ohtani, the renowned two-way star for the Los Angeles Dodgers, found himself amidst a spiraling controversy. The subject at the heart of the scandal is Ippei Mizuhara, Ohtani's long-time interpreter, who was accused of gambling activities that allegedly involved financial transactions linked to Ohtani. In a bid to clear the air, Ohtani organized a press conference lasting 12 minutes wherein he fervently denied any involvement in gambling on baseball or any other sport, as well as any engagement with an illegal bookmaker.

Ohtani Confronts the Allegations

The allegations first came to light when Mizuhara was accused of conveying that Ohtani had sent money to settle Mizuhara’s own gambling debts. This assertion was later retracted, but not before causing ripples through the sports community. During the press conference, Ohtani spoke candidly about his discovery of Mizuhara's actions, including unauthorized withdrawals from his account. According to Ohtani, it was only after a team meeting that he became aware of Mizuhara's gambling debts and subsequent deceit.

"I’ve never bet on baseball or any other sports or asked someone to do it on my behalf," Ohtani insisted. He also clarified, "I’ve never asked a bookmaker to do it on my behalf. Up until a few days ago, I didn’t know this was happening."

In addition, Ohtani elaborated on the sequence of events leading up to the revelation of his interpreter's misconduct, noting Mizuhara's confession during a one-on-one conversation post the team meeting. "When I was finally able to talk to my representatives, that’s when my representatives found out Ippei has been lying the whole time and I started contacting the Dodgers and my lawyers," Ohtani recounted. Furthermore, he reiterated his shock and disappointment regarding the situation: "I’m just beyond shocked. It’s really hard to verbalize how I am feeling at this point."

Legal and Organizational Responses

Following the discovery of the alleged fraudulent activities, Ohtani's representatives and the Dodgers immediately took steps to investigate the matter further. Major League Baseball (MLB) has also initiated its own investigation into the allegations. Ohtani mentioned that upon learning the extent of the fraud, his legal team advised involving the authorities to address the matter appropriately. "My lawyers recommended that since this is fraud, that we have the proper authorities handle this matter," he pointed out, signifying the severity of the breach of trust.

Looking Forward

Despite the tumultuous events, Ohtani expressed a strong desire to move past the incident and focus on the ongoing baseball season. "I’m going to let my lawyers handle matters from here on out," he stated, indicating his intention to distance himself from the legal proceedings and concentrate on his athletic performance. "I’m looking forward to focusing on the season. … I’m sure there will be continuing investigations moving forward," he further added, acknowledging the likelihood of ongoing scrutiny but also his eagerness to return to normalcy.


The scandal involving Shohei Ohtani and his interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara, has stirred considerable attention and debate within the sports community. Ohtani's forthright denial of the allegations and his commitment to clearing his name, coupled with the proactive steps taken by his representatives and MLB, underscore the gravity with which such matters are treated in professional sports. As the investigations proceed, the sports world eagerly awaits further developments, hoping for a resolution that maintains the integrity of the game and its players.